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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii vs PS3 sales:

North America: ...........................Week, Console, Date, Monthly, Total........................... 1 Wii. Nov 06. 538,500. 538,500..........PS3. Nov 06. 222,250. 222,250. 2 Wii. Dec 06. 704,750. 1,243,250.......PS3. Dec 06. 537,750. 760,000. 3 Wii. Jan 07. 485,000. 1,728,250........PS3. Jan 07. 275,500. 1,035,500. Japan ..........................Week, Console, Date, Weekly, Total......................... 1...Wii 12/03/06 375,500 375,500........PS3 11/12/06 87,500 87,500 2...Wii 12/10/06 101,250 476,750........PS3 11/19/06 44,000 131,500 3...Wii 12/17/06 109,250 586,000........PS3 11/26/06 36,000 167,500 4...Wii 12/24/06 295,000 881,000........PS3 12/03/06 32,000 199,500 5...Wii 12/31/06 111,500 992,500........PS3 12/10/06 49,500 249,000 6...Wii 01/07/07 177,750 1,170,250.....PS3 12/17/06 72,750 321,750 7...Wii 01/14/07 99,250 1,269,500.......PS3 12/24/06 80,000 401,750 8...Wii 01/21/07 86,750 1,356,250.......PS3 12/31/06 75,250 477,000 9...Wii 01/28/07 85,750 1,442,000.......PS3 01/07/07 70,750 547,750 10.Wii 02/04/07 73,250 1,515,250.......PS3 01/14/07 30,500 578,250 11.Wii 02/11/07 76,750 1,592,000.......PS3 01/21/07 24,000 602,250 12.Wii 02/18/07 66,250 1,658,250.......PS3 01/28/07 21,000 623,250 13.Wii 02/25/07 76,250 1,734,500.......PS3 02/04/07 20,250 643,500 14.........................................................PS3 02/11/07 24,000 667,500 15.........................................................PS3 02/18/07 21,250 688,750 16.........................................................PS3 02/25/07 20,250 709,000 What are u'r thoughts?!


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Simple math Wii has sold 2xPS3. More than that nothing new...



Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!

This is more a post to contradict MikeB... He is a great example of people who uses facts in his own way. Using stats of only the consoles that sold worse! So i just want to say, Dont make an image that isn't right! It's launch might have been better then X360's. But its much worse than Wii And the PS3 is still trailing behind Gamecube and PSP. Those 2 sold more on a 16 week basis after launch then PS3...


StarcraftManiac said: This is more a post to contradict MikeB... He is a great example of people who uses facts in his own way. Using stats of only the consoles that sold worse! So i just want to say, Dont make an image that isn't right! It's launch might have been better then X360's. But its much worse than Wii And the PS3 is still trailing behind Gamecube and PSP. Those 2 sold more on a 16 week basis after launch then PS3...
... the PS3 is only selling slightly better than the Dreamcast in Japan, and worse than the Dreamcast in North America ... the PS3 is selling Worse than the XBox in North America

@ StarcraftManiac

He is a great example of people who uses facts in his own way. Using stats of only the consoles that sold worse!
No, I simply view the XBox 360 as the PS3's main competitor for the long run. For example I don't view the Nintendo DS as a direct competitor, people might just as well want to own both, if someone cannot afford a PS3 they may be able to afford a DS, also the DS is portable so if this is what you want you better not try to carry around a HDTV and PS3 , also the overall gaming experience is very different, mostly 2D RPGs and platformers vs ultra complex games like Motorstorm. In short I view the XBox 360 as the console which is most like the PS3 and is considered to have performed well, so why not compare how well they were doing during the same timespan?

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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wtf? wii beats ps3??? LOL

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

MikeB said

No, I simply view the XBox 360 as the PS3's main competitor for the long run. For example I don't view the Nintendo DS as a direct competitor, people might just as well want to own both, if someone cannot afford a PS3 they may be able to afford a DS, also the DS is portable so if this is what you want you better not try to carry around a HDTV and PS3 , also the overall gaming experience is very different, mostly 2D RPGs and platformers vs ultra complex games like Motorstorm. In short I view the XBox 360 as the console which is most like the PS3 and is considered to have performed well, so why not compare how well they were doing during the same timespan?
1) Dont come up with the DS, was i talking about the DS?! NO! 2) Then why did u pick the numbers for PS2?! Last time i checked PS2 was from a total different generation, that means its not a real competitor too PS3, just like DS isn't! 3) I'm guessing u didn't take Wii sales just to let people think PS3 aint selling bad. But ur walking around the facts. Sales since launch, first 16 weeks: PS3 VS DC... DC wins. PS3 VS NGC... NGC wins. PS3 VS Xbox... Xbox wins. PS3 VS wii... Wii wins... Because X360 was launching all the way back in Nov/Dec 2005 they had less time to produce units then PS3 and Wii... PS3 and X360 were unveiled at E3 2005. X360 launched much earlier so it had less hardware available. My point is: U are (maybe u aint even noticing) using only numbers that work in ur advantage but it doesn't show the whole picture, sabbie?! Ur numbers aren't incorrect but use all available data if u compare stuff...


This site has gotten horribly bad about PS3 attacking.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

It's not just the PS3 which is being attacked, FWIW. Two (indeed, even three) wrongs do not make a right. I'd like to see all of the attacking stop, which includes a number of your posts vs. the Wii and somewhat more subtly the 360. Debate is fine IMO, and I applaud your restraint in this case, but the "cheap shots" against each other are what start arguments. Let's keep the discussion about the consoles.

Kwaad said: This site has gotten horribly bad about PS3 attacking.
I would say that this is far less about the PS3 as it is about stupidity ... There are good ways to make arguments ("The Wii is currently outperforming the Gamecube at the same point in life so it will likely sell better than the Gamecube did through-out its life") There are bad ways to make arguments ("The PS3 is performing at a better rate than the nGage did so it will sell in a similar range to the PS2") Directly comparing the sales of the PS3 in Japan and North America to the sales of the XBox 360 in Japan and North America is not a particularly good comparison ... No one argues that the XBox 360 will ever be popular in Japan, the comparison of the two systems basically says "hey look the 360 sucks in Japan!" ...