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Review Scores



Alternative Names

デッド オア アライブ ディメンションズ


Team Ninja



Release Dates

05/24/11 Tecmo Koei
05/19/11 Tecmo Koei
05/20/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 63
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 10
Now Playing: 6

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

310,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2011

Opinion (46)

xxbrothawizxx63 posted 30/05/2013, 09:51
This game actually didn't do too badly when you look at the performances of DoA 5 and 4, but it's a damn shame that Team Ninja missed the launch. I honestly think that if this launched with the system it could have sold another 100k.
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DieAppleDie posted 15/10/2012, 09:57
this game deserves a lot more
probably undertracked
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Ganoncrotch posted 18/07/2012, 07:12
such an amazing graphical achievement on a handheld, this is even closer to the xbox360 versions of dead or alive than the port of ssf4 is graphically speaking. well worth the money if you are looking for some fighting action and street fighter isn't your bag or you've already played it on the consoles considering this game is actually a new title with full movie campaign going back through the story of all the games in the series, whereas ssf4 is a port of the console version straight up.
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Nem posted 12/06/2012, 06:48
I've played the demo and this game is really enjoyable. The use of the touch screen to display moves on the fly really helps with the shortcoming of the 3D fighter genre by not requiring you to memorise so many different strings per character. They all show up on the fly in your bottom screen. I will definitly get this at some point in the future and it deserves more sales.
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 25/04/2012, 01:53
How is VGCHARTZ undertracking this game by so much? Pretty sure it was confirmed the game sold more than 310,000 copies months ago.....
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 01/04/2012, 09:38
what a great game, never though it could be this good, only realised when i played the demo on eshop
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