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Gaijin Entertainment



Other Versions


Release Dates

09/08/09 505 Games
(Add Date)
09/04/09 505 Games

Community Stats

Owners: 8
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IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey (X360) > Opinions (4)

Barozi posted 28/09/2009, 11:41
Okay the Metascore convinced me.
Bought it today and it's a helluva game
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Lostplanet22 posted 09/09/2009, 05:00
+ One of the best features in the game is also if you crash you just can continue (not like other games where you have to restart the mission).
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Lostplanet22 posted 09/09/2009, 04:59
No, it is more like Blazing Angles but then in my opinion better; It has a lot of content that any fans of this genre can't miss.

A campaign that takes around 5-8 hours that put you trough battles in Russia,Britain, Belgium etc.

And a single mission campaign with short missions (a bit like the old ace combat games) that takes another 10-20 hours. And it also some have nice extra's like a sim mode (very hard if you are not used to it d
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monlosez posted 05/09/2009, 07:07
Is this like Ace Combat 6?
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (4)

1 n/a n/a 13,376 13,376
2 n/a 18,176 11,886 5,143 35,205
3 n/a 5,971 7,636 2,297 15,904
4 n/a 3,306 5,890 1,542 10,738
5 n/a 2,019 4,769 1,132 7,920
6 n/a 1,500 3,970 911 6,381
7 n/a 1,589 3,348 825 5,762
8 n/a 1,803 3,024 810 5,637
9 n/a 1,750 2,806 766 5,322
10 n/a 1,797 2,918 792 5,507
Barozi posted 28/09/2009, 11:41
Okay the Metascore convinced me.
Bought it today and it's a helluva game
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Lostplanet22 posted 09/09/2009, 05:00
+ One of the best features in the game is also if you crash you just can continue (not like other games where you have to restart the mission).
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Lostplanet22 posted 09/09/2009, 04:59
No, it is more like Blazing Angles but then in my opinion better; It has a lot of content that any fans of this genre can't miss.

A campaign that takes around 5-8 hours that put you trough battles in Russia,Britain, Belgium etc.

And a single mission campaign with short missions (a bit like the old ace combat games) that takes another 10-20 hours. And it also some have nice extra's like a sim mode (very hard if you are not used to it d
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monlosez posted 05/09/2009, 07:07
Is this like Ace Combat 6?
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