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BioWare Corp.



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All, PC, PSN, X360

Release Dates

03/08/11 Electronic Arts
02/02/12 Spike
03/11/11 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 96
Favorite: 10
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 12
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


Dragon Age II (PS3) > Opinions (33)

mantlepiecek posted 20/11/2012, 12:24
It is pretty bad in some ways - too many enemies spawning out of nowhere.
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mantlepiecek posted 05/11/2012, 07:52
I am playing this and it is not as bad as I expected. It isn't casualized on consoles since origins was already a bit easier on consoles apparently.

Although not as many interesting characters. Origins had better animations too.
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Slimebeast posted 25/07/2012, 08:58
I am glad it got punished for being dumbed down compared to Origins. But it's still an awesome game.
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binary solo posted 26/06/2012, 02:02
I liked the first game a lot, multiple play's through. I liked this game a lot too. DAII is underrated IMO and doesn't deserve the level of criticism it got. I'm looking forward to DAIII. I hope it sells well so that we can see further expansion of this world in future games.
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Icey7 posted 08/01/2012, 11:09
I gave up DAO after playing for a 3 to 4 hours since I didn't like the combat. But I actually quite enjoyed DA2, only complaint would be the repetitive environments. It's no where near as good as Mass Effect but still a decent game.
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Iveyboi posted 04/01/2012, 06:33
Terrible game
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VXIII posted 08/12/2011, 07:25
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Mr Puggsly posted 08/12/2011, 03:48
think*... we need edit!
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Mr Puggsly posted 08/12/2011, 03:47
help but hitnk*
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Mr Puggsly posted 08/12/2011, 03:47
I can't help but this would have sold better if people actually enjoyed the original. Dragon Age Origins was a very boring game.
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 09:50
This is mu pick for RPG of the Year. I loved everything about this. Origins, on the other hand, was a huge let down. Obvious 10/10 and in the Top 10 of 2012.
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Crystalchild posted 28/10/2011, 02:06
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Crystalchild posted 28/10/2011, 02:05
it isnt casualized, it was just rushed. i liked DA2, no matter what others say. (Which doesnt mean that it could use a bit more of origins :o)
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DakonBlackblade posted 21/08/2011, 08:50
This game shouldve selled way less, this is the epitome of developpers lazyness and 'brand milking" they put a lot of makeup on a very simple game stick a "Dragon Age insert number here" on it and profit.
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Heavenly_King posted 17/07/2011, 04:34
gameplay wise this is better than the first.
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jester2358 posted 04/07/2011, 08:34
origins was a outstanding epic game this......was not. biggest disappointment of this entire generation for me.
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MorganLeFay posted 25/06/2011, 04:18
Somebody get here his paycheck from BioWare (or a blind fanboi). These sales are still better than what this game deserves.
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yahoocom1984 posted 22/05/2011, 01:22
week sales consider its Dragon age, Bioware really fucked this
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MorganLeFay posted 26/04/2011, 10:24
The increase in sales may be attributable to the fact that certain European retailers offer DA2 (ps3) for as low as $29.65.
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yog-sothot posted 25/04/2011, 06:15
I'm glad this dumbed down game sells like shit. When you play some crappy social game or minigame set, you know what you get, but when a game says it's a RPG and actually is a piece of junk such as DA2, it deserves to fail miserably
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ArcticGabe posted 23/04/2011, 10:14
I thought the sales on Xbox 360 was bad, than I found this...
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sbvgc2049 posted 23/04/2011, 08:21
Slow but rising.
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sbvgc2049 posted 23/04/2011, 08:19
Deserves 2Mil at least.fu**ing tragedy,for such a NICE game,only sold 0.32M!!!what the hell is wrong with you WESTERN?????Hope PS3 game saling pattern will save this babe.
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Gimgak posted 18/04/2011, 10:48
Terrible sales. Bioware needs to redeem themselves with ME3
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yahoocom1984 posted 25/03/2011, 12:51
Sales are bad compare to other WRPGs, like fallout and Oblivion, Fable
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TheConduit posted 24/03/2011, 04:18
They went from a game that needed to be about 50% faster to a game that needed to be 100% slower. Seriously hitting an standard enemy with my giant sword 20 times to make it go down is WEAK. And why are axe's, swords and and mauls all do the same damage? What happened to armor penetration and critical damage variation? Why is the game world so small? Why re-use environments over and over again? Why is the game so short? Why did you not take your time? Less than one and a half years while constantly releasing DLC for roigins is not enough development time. Stop trying to appeal to casual fans they are unreliable. Elder Scrolls V Skyrim will destroy this game, Bethesda > Bioware.
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AdventWolf posted 21/03/2011, 04:14
I know this game isn't as good as the first, but it is heavily underrated. The game is good in it's own right.
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Mr Puggsly posted 19/03/2011, 07:33
I knew 360 would have bigger opening, but I wasn't expecting this big of a difference.
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snyperdud posted 19/03/2011, 04:03
Not a great opening. But, I suppose it could've been worse.
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Heavenly_King posted 14/03/2011, 05:13
This game is really great!!. For me it is way better than the 1st one
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armchair_cynic posted 12/03/2011, 10:57
Just terrible. Plain terrible. The Bioware decline continues. Good luck trying to match CoD sales figures Bioware. With this kind of game, even they would turn their noses up.
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Pjams posted 12/03/2011, 02:36
I'm towards the end now, and my initial enjoyment has faded and turned to disappointment. Incredibly repetitive and tedious.
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Pjams posted 08/03/2011, 08:35
Loving it so far, much more console friendly than DAO.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (33)

1 n/a 94,037 41,239 27,798 163,074
2 n/a 29,093 21,069 11,370 61,532
3 n/a 17,072 12,002 6,552 35,626
4 n/a 12,594 9,264 4,970 26,828
5 n/a 8,331 6,783 3,506 18,620
6 n/a 6,533 8,136 3,688 18,357
7 n/a 3,711 8,872 3,512 16,095
8 n/a 3,213 5,569 2,336 11,118
9 n/a 2,668 2,941 1,379 6,988
10 n/a 2,040 2,300 1,072 5,412
mantlepiecek posted 20/11/2012, 12:24
It is pretty bad in some ways - too many enemies spawning out of nowhere.
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mantlepiecek posted 05/11/2012, 07:52
I am playing this and it is not as bad as I expected. It isn't casualized on consoles since origins was already a bit easier on consoles apparently.

Although not as many interesting characters. Origins had better animations too.
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Slimebeast posted 25/07/2012, 08:58
I am glad it got punished for being dumbed down compared to Origins. But it's still an awesome game.
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binary solo posted 26/06/2012, 02:02
I liked the first game a lot, multiple play's through. I liked this game a lot too. DAII is underrated IMO and doesn't deserve the level of criticism it got. I'm looking forward to DAIII. I hope it sells well so that we can see further expansion of this world in future games.
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Icey7 posted 08/01/2012, 11:09
I gave up DAO after playing for a 3 to 4 hours since I didn't like the combat. But I actually quite enjoyed DA2, only complaint would be the repetitive environments. It's no where near as good as Mass Effect but still a decent game.
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Iveyboi posted 04/01/2012, 06:33
Terrible game
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