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11/06/15 Activision
11/06/15 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/06/15 Activision

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (PS4) > Opinions (71)

CarriedLawyer45 posted 03/08/2020, 07:42
The campaign was pretty weird but the multiplayer was great.
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Replicant posted 25/10/2018, 11:27
The gen isn't over yet but it looks like neither COD BO3 or Pokémon will end up as the best selling SKU of 8th gen. Instead GTA V just keeps on selling and selling (I wonder what physical and digital combined is at). An SKU on PS ending 1st in a gen hasn't happened since GTA San Andreas on PS2.

Top 3 SKU's in 6th gen (physical only):
1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2)
2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)
3. Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (GBA)

Top 3 SKU's in 7th gen (physical only):
1. Wii Sports (Wii)
2. Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
3. Wii Sports Resort (Wii)

Top 3 SKU's in 8th gen (physical only):
1. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)
2. Pokémon X/Y (3DS)
3. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (PS4)

Though if we include digital, BO3 and quite a few other SKUs on PS4 likely beat Pokémon X/Y.
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nexsus posted 06/10/2016, 11:32
I am forcing myself to finish the single player campaign,it's probably the worst cod SP i have played,i can't believe the numbers it has sold it does'nt deserve it and am not cod hating,i love bops1 and 2 and of course mw2 but they are unplayable because of hacked lobbies,who thinks modern warfare remastered will be possible to get separate?I don't want advanced warfare am not buying it.
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AbrahamHamdan posted 22/09/2016, 02:08
it's gonna outsell Black ops 2 next week :D
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Kerotan posted 21/09/2016, 02:51
14 million!! It's coming for its throne as best selling game of the generation!
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Ryng posted 09/09/2016, 01:49

Well 22 million estimate is by end of March 2016, right now is obvius higher, so are PS4 versio sales :)

With GTA VI i'm not sure what think. I believe R* will release GTA VI just before the end of gen 8, and by starting gen 9, to be a launch title for PS5 / XB2 and for have the most higher installed base of PS4 / XBO, similar to what's happen with GTA V but this time withouth a year of difference for the next gen version, more like 2/3 months.

So i'm not sure how well PS4 version sales will be, should be very high cause at launch will be the platform with the biggest installed base, but PS5 version should hurt it's sales, and well of course the others platforms.
As for the total, GTA V should be something like 70 million, and with insane legs i can see it selling 100 million lifetime, i don't see GTA VI sells so much crazy, but will still be insane, maybe 50-70 million LT... then that's just what i think, who know.
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Mike_L posted 08/09/2016, 06:36

Oh, I didn't know PS4 version of BO3 might only be at 11 mill. Then you're probably right

Yeah, I forgot about GTA VI. If that ends up as the best selling SKU of the generation, that'd be the first time since GTA: SA on PS2 (20.81 mill) that a PS game ends up as the biggest selling game of a generation. Right?
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Ryng posted 17/08/2016, 06:21

I don't use VGChartz numbers at all, WedBush estimated 22 million copies of Black Ops III sold by end of Mrach 2016 (this include retail and digital, not shipments though). I believe about half of that is on PS4, while the rest on XBO, PC, 360, PS3. (that's my estimate though, nothing official).
Legs of Black Ops III are really strong, most impressive legs for a CoD game i would say, but this is expecially thanks the PS4 bundle. We are in August, i can't see this bundle selling much more, by November Sony should have others bundle to sells, including Infinite Warfare.
My guess is that Black Ops III will end lifetime (let's say by 2020) with nearly 30 million, and half of that on PS4 (so about / almost 15 million). Maybe even over that, but actually Pokémon X/Y already has shipped (retail+digital) 15 million (14.98m to be fair), and this is by end of June 2016, so even before the Pokémon GO boost (which we all saw how strong it was). I think that at this point even 16 million is becomed a waaaaaaaay conservate prediction, i see 17 million more likely. While that's shipped, Nintendo games have legs so i don't see a big difference between sold and shipped, overall i still see X/Y outsell Black Ops III on PS4 easy.

That said, i don't even think Black Ops III and X/Y will be the best selling game on PS4/3DS, cause i think thare are no doubt GTA VI will outsell BO III by an abyssal margin, and even Sun/Moon will most likely beat X/Y.

Also Mike_L, i personally really liked BO III, my favourite CoD to be honest. X/Y was awesome but not at old Pokémon levels, ORAS was way better imo.
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Mike_L posted 15/08/2016, 02:04
You're right. Those official numbers from Nintendo include digital though.
BO3 (PS4) will without a doubt be ahead if we include digital sales.

Pokémon Silver is one of my all time favorite games but I didn't think Pokémon X was that great. I didn't enjoy BO3 that much either so whether BO3 or X/Y will end up ahead doesn't matter to me personally.

If however BO3 ends up ahead, I think it's the first time since GTA: SA on PS2 (20.81 mill) that a PS game ends up as the biggest selling game of a generation.
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Kerotan posted 12/08/2016, 02:58
Ryng_Tolu I respect your opinion. Personally I think bo3 will sell for years. Until the next black ops at least. the NX will damage pokemon 3DS legs. Bo3 digital ratio will be much higher too. I really can't see it losing.
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Ryng posted 01/06/2016, 12:31
Pokémon X/Y sold 14.7 million according to Nintendo. It sold 760K in it's 3rd year, and the last quarter was well up YOY (150k in 2015 VS 240k in 2016), it should sell at least 15.5 million, most likely even 16 million+.

Black Ops III has sold 22 million as for March 2016, i think almost half of this is from PS4 but there isn't an official platform split...

They should be close, but i think Pokémon X/Y will win.
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Kerotan posted 31/05/2016, 10:25
Blasts past 13m. Crazy this is selling almost 100k weekly retail only and it's the quite month of may. BO3 PS4 retail + digital could be close to 20m when all is said and done.
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kyprime posted 28/05/2016, 03:16
you can't compare handhelds with real consoles
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Kerotan posted 18/05/2016, 04:36
13.79m is the magic number. That's the top selling game this gen and it was pokemon x/y that achieved it. Ps4 going to have the top selling game of the gen. Have they ever had this before?
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Shikamo posted 09/05/2016, 09:25
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Rob5VGC posted 09/05/2016, 08:29
13 million....unfortunately.
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Kerotan posted 03/05/2016, 03:17
This will hit 15m for sure. and that's in 2016. It could even sell up to 17m by years end. Lifetime could be 20m.
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darkneal posted 21/04/2016, 07:13
Think it will just fall short of MW3 and BO2 individual platform performance, but considering the rate of the PS4's growth, this years COD will have a helluva chance at being no.1
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OneKartVita posted 31/03/2016, 07:41
It will pass out pokemon x/y to become the gens top selling game for sure.
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Rob5VGC posted 25/03/2016, 11:34
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OneKartVita posted 25/03/2016, 07:17
12m insane. It's going to outsell the top selling cod skus on ps3 and 360. Go ps4!
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DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 24/03/2016, 09:14
This is setting all records for ps4
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Azhraell posted 19/03/2016, 02:34
Will this beat mw3 on 360?
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ReimTime posted 18/03/2016, 09:08
This game and Grand Theft Auto V just seem to never quit lol still getting 90k a week
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ReimTime posted 18/03/2016, 09:08
This game and Grand Theft Auto V just seem to never quit lol still getting 90k a week
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OneKartVita posted 17/03/2016, 11:26
12 million next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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oniyide posted 15/03/2016, 07:48
its not the main bundle, the Uncharted collection is the main one, and that was cheaper. So people got teh COD bundle cause they wanted COD. Hell they could have gone bare.
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NobleTeam360 posted 10/03/2016, 03:48
I guess we could discount the fact that this game is bundled with PS4's (and has been since December) but hey it's selling way more on PS4 than Xbox One, that's all that matters.
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DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 07/03/2016, 01:07
Both this and GTA are selling tons more on PS4 than Xbox 1
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AbrahamHamdan posted 06/03/2016, 07:13
is there anyway for VGCharts to count the digital sales as well?
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darkenergy posted 06/03/2016, 02:15
Except that Sony bundled COD with the PS4 even after the holiday season, it is the main bundle and it's one of the reasons why it's really high on the charts.
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OneKartVita posted 05/03/2016, 09:35
Xbox had the bundle last gen and sales were about even. This gen Playstation gets the bundle and there's a crazy gap.

Steaming forward and will soon be the PS4's first 12m seller! Insane sales :)
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Mr Puggsly posted 05/03/2016, 07:34
I don't know why people get worked up when I mention bundles are boosting sales. Attacking me doesn't change facts.
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DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 04/03/2016, 09:14
WOW! Mr Puggsly u always come off a butt hurt xbox fan boy
PS4 is cods new home deal with it!
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/03/2016, 06:49
Yeah, its pretty crazy. You give away BO3 with the console and a lot of people have it. Its almost like bundle games have a tendency to do exceptionally well.

If anything, kudos to Sony for putting up the money to bundle popular games at $299 - $350.
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OneKartVita posted 26/02/2016, 06:52
The ps4 version is going to end up nearly doubling the next nearest sku. It's crazy how much cod returned to Playstation. Well played Sony well played.
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DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 21/02/2016, 05:34
PS4 new home of COD!
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roborad posted 29/01/2016, 09:42

I'm leaning towards overtracked. I honestly don't think this game has sold this many copies, both on ps4 and on xbox one.
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Jigsawx1 posted 21/01/2016, 04:09
so if look at the multiplayer career stats they onliny listen 6.5 million, so does it mean that 3.5 million people only play singleplayer on the ps4? or is it just massive overtracked?
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AbrahamHamdan posted 20/01/2016, 05:00
@Mr Puggsly- but keep in mind that the digital sales wasn't popular back when MW3 was released. Activision said that within the first 3 days of release the game made 550 mil, which is more than the 400 mil made by MW3.
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Mr Puggsly posted 17/01/2016, 03:40
@Dr.Vita - Well this is the first time I can recall seeing a CoD have mass bundling at/near launch. Also, the series simply isn't doing the same numbers as MW3.

Regardless, still has the best sales in the industry though.
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Dr.Vita posted 16/01/2016, 02:06
And they say Call of Duty is declining... xD
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king.987 posted 13/01/2016, 01:33
10 million!
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darkneal posted 12/01/2016, 03:31
oh my gawd, COD and PS4 are going through the roof!
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OneKartVita posted 12/01/2016, 12:07
Sony really took control of this franchise. 1m retail this week and over 10m LTD in just 8 weeks! Activision will be happy with their new partnership
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Shikamo posted 11/01/2016, 10:57
10M+ Congratz
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xboxonefan posted 11/01/2016, 10:27
Already 10 million
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Munchies posted 11/01/2016, 10:17
First 10M on the PS4.
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gafe posted 07/01/2016, 09:18
I love the game for his easter eggs.
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Rob5VGC posted 07/01/2016, 02:33
*everything will be alright when GTA VI restores the balance
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Rob5VGC posted 07/01/2016, 02:32
@CWegzz Don't worry, everything GTA VI will restore the balance.
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CWegzz posted 06/01/2016, 05:54
This is now the best selling PS4 game. What a shame. GTAV deserves it so much more, even if it's a 7th gen game.
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fireburn95 posted 31/12/2015, 10:36
vgc seriously needs to start sorting these spammers urgh... maybe block new accounts from posting for a while on walls
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SubiyaCryolite posted 29/12/2015, 08:00
Multiplayer is addictive as hell
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Teeqoz posted 22/12/2015, 03:39
@Mr Puggsly not counting handhelds of course
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OneKartVita posted 22/12/2015, 03:12
Absolutely insane sales. GTA going to lose its throne in the next few weeks but PS4 will have two 10 million sellers. Sony, rockstar and Activision gonna laugh all the way to the bank!
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Mr Puggsly posted 20/12/2015, 05:54
This could be the first 10 million seller of the 8th gen. Sad news for those hoping CoD was gonna die soon.
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fireburn95 posted 19/12/2015, 04:06
Marketing and bundle exclusivity did help massively! I love how the tides have shifted from 360 days. This is gonna get even bigger with sony headlining the bo3 bundle (non limited) in december sales
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OneKartVita posted 17/12/2015, 02:24
Good to see it adjusted down. I want gta 5 to be the ps4 best seller for as long as possible :)
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b00moscone posted 14/12/2015, 10:52
Looks like it has been tracked down though.
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Teeqoz posted 14/12/2015, 08:29
140k overtracked in the US. Not as bad as I thought, but still much too high.
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Junkrixx posted 13/12/2015, 03:08
1M on the 4th week! WTF?

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OneKartVita posted 06/12/2015, 05:04
I wonder if this is overtracked. If the numbers are correct then I'd guess they undertaked the first week and over tracked week 2 and 3. I just find it hard to believe those legs. I guess we'll find out with NPD next week.
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fireburn95 posted 28/11/2015, 01:20
Looks like we have our new #1, which kinda makes me sad because gta should stay top. I think its a testament to black ops which has stayed good in a dull series
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xboxonefan posted 27/11/2015, 03:48
It sold 5 million
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fluky-nintendy posted 26/11/2015, 10:25
1,6m second week holy crap! it's not even black friday yet
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OneKartVita posted 26/11/2015, 10:20
Another 5 million seller on ps4! Let the battle between this and gta 5 ps4 begin.
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WebMasterFlex posted 24/11/2015, 01:52
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darkneal posted 24/11/2015, 12:21
Woh, over a million more than Advanced's first week, half a mill more on Xbox one's. Seems just when you thought they were down theres no stopping the Cod juggernaught. Kinda glad this year, after a couple AAA misses, gaming needed a hit.
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OneKartVita posted 23/11/2015, 03:18
Yeah and this is only the start of the deal. When the dlc starts coming early for a full year the numbers for the next cod will be even more skewed. Great to see Sony taking over this franchise.
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fireburn95 posted 23/11/2015, 02:39
COD is officially now a playstation franchise
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (71)

1 143,303 1,115,289 1,682,481 658,746 3,599,819
2 44,218 466,277 640,058 264,892 1,415,445
3 19,476 219,900 346,816 132,389 718,581
4 13,782 348,226 411,531 186,791 960,330
5 11,243 276,634 319,681 147,186 754,744
6 9,069 304,836 246,387 144,614 704,906
7 5,969 401,750 297,675 186,101 891,495
8 6,522 444,464 350,931 209,475 1,011,392
9 11,145 123,164 193,496 74,025 401,830
10 7,818 44,336 77,265 27,911 157,330
CarriedLawyer45 posted 03/08/2020, 07:42
The campaign was pretty weird but the multiplayer was great.
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Replicant posted 25/10/2018, 11:27
The gen isn't over yet but it looks like neither COD BO3 or Pokémon will end up as the best selling SKU of 8th gen. Instead GTA V just keeps on selling and selling (I wonder what physical and digital combined is at). An SKU on PS ending 1st in a gen hasn't happened since GTA San Andreas on PS2.

Top 3 SKU's in 6th gen (physical only):
1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2)
2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)
3. Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire (GBA)

Top 3 SKU's in 7th gen (physical only):
1. Wii Sports (Wii)
2. Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
3. Wii Sports Resort (Wii)

Top 3 SKU's in 8th gen (physical only):
1. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)
2. Pokémon X/Y (3DS)
3. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (PS4)

Though if we include digital, BO3 and quite a few other SKUs on PS4 likely beat Pokémon X/Y.
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nexsus posted 06/10/2016, 11:32
I am forcing myself to finish the single player campaign,it's probably the worst cod SP i have played,i can't believe the numbers it has sold it does'nt deserve it and am not cod hating,i love bops1 and 2 and of course mw2 but they are unplayable because of hacked lobbies,who thinks modern warfare remastered will be possible to get separate?I don't want advanced warfare am not buying it.
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AbrahamHamdan posted 22/09/2016, 02:08
it's gonna outsell Black ops 2 next week :D
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Kerotan posted 21/09/2016, 02:51
14 million!! It's coming for its throne as best selling game of the generation!
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Ryng posted 09/09/2016, 01:49

Well 22 million estimate is by end of March 2016, right now is obvius higher, so are PS4 versio sales :)

With GTA VI i'm not sure what think. I believe R* will release GTA VI just before the end of gen 8, and by starting gen 9, to be a launch title for PS5 / XB2 and for have the most higher installed base of PS4 / XBO, similar to what's happen with GTA V but this time withouth a year of difference for the next gen version, more like 2/3 months.

So i'm not sure how well PS4 version sales will be, should be very high cause at launch will be the platform with the biggest installed base, but PS5 version should hurt it's sales, and well of course the others platforms.
As for the total, GTA V should be something like 70 million, and with insane legs i can see it selling 100 million lifetime, i don't see GTA VI sells so much crazy, but will still be insane, maybe 50-70 million LT... then that's just what i think, who know.
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